Weather change should not be a reason to dump that thought of camping. The summer is indeed gone, and you won't be experiencing light summer conditions. Fall camping will still give you the moments you want to cherish. You only need to prepare and get the best equipment that will accord you comfort while you are on fall camping.
Keep reading for the fundamental insights on the things you need for a memorable fall camping.
1. You need a water-resistant Duffel bag
A Duffel bag should be the first piece of equipment on your packing list because fall camping is not the same as summer camping. It may rain a lot, and you will need something that will keep you dry. A water-resistant Duffel will serve a great deal. Only be sure to purchase from a reputable manufacturer that makes quality and durable products.
2. A sleeping bag is necessary
You might be wondering why this point is here, yet it is necessary for all types of camping. The truth is, a sleeping bag is essential, but it will not be the one that is famous for summer camping. You may be used to the ultra-light 4 C sleeping bag that is best for summers! It may not be the case for Autumn camping. You will need a special one that ranges between -15 C and -5 C.
3. A Sleeping pad is also essential
A sleeping pad will also be essential while camping during the fall. It would be best to have a heavy sleeping pad because you are confident that it will be cold out there. Whether you are using a vehicle or hiking to the campsite, we recommend that you carry a heavy-duty sleeping pad that won't compromise your sleep at night. It would be best if you had the thickest and biggest inflatable foam to be in a better position. The sleeping pad will provide sufficient cushioning while ensuring that you are insulated against the cold.
4. Headlamp or a lantern
If you are into a natural forest adventure, you are good without a headlamp, but we recommend that you have some lighting strategy because you never know what happens at night. It gets funny and tiring when both your hands are working on such a pillow or a watch! It could be easier to have a Led headlamp or any variety of lanterns to serve the lighting purpose.
5. An insulated outerwear is great

A waterproof jacket will do during fall camping. You don't need to get wet or suffer severe colds during the fall season. The fall temperatures may fall during autumn, and you should do all the necessary preparations. Ensure that you are wearing a jacket with fleece, good zips, and waterproof to keep you warm during your excursions.
6. You can also purchase a thermal underwear
Temperature ranges during fall are so high, and you should be ready with underwear that can adjust. You need a good base layer to help you gap the challenges with wide temperature ranges. The merino wool thermal underwear has all these adjustments because it will warm you when it is cold. When it is sweltering, it will adjust, and you will enjoy a cooling effect.
7. Carrying gloves and hats are an excellent idea
The temperatures will be varying during fall, and you will do well if you have gloves and hats. Fleece gloves are the best for your hands, while acrylic caps will help your head by maintaining the temperatures when it gets colder.
8. Carry wool socks with you
Wool socks are essential during the chilly morning and evening. You want to keep your feet toasty and warm by wearing wool socks because that is what you need during the cold autumn camping.
9. Hand and foot warmers
Hand and foot warmers are also essential because snow will be falling. Though you will have the wool socks, they may not be sufficient to keep you warm. A chemical heating pad will be best to assure you of warmth.
10. Hot beverage accessory
A hot beverage accessory is another requirement that will be helpful when starting a chilly day. It would be best if you had steaming coffee or any hot chocolate that you could find. You may need to carry plenty of tea bags, a coffee cooking accessory, and cocoa packets. A tea cooking accessory will allow you to brew your tea conveniently. You can carry it along when you are headed for fall camping.
11. Heat source
You will need a campfire even when the snow is falling. It may be challenging to start the fire because the woods will be wet, but you will enjoy the campfire if you plan well. Ensure that you are carrying an extra heat source. The heat source will speed up kindling to give your fire for warming.
12. Maps

Finally, maps are crucial because they are the only companions you can trust in a camp. Never trust google maps because you can quickly lose networks on the way. You may not also trust GPS because it may require a network and power source. A map is best for fall camping because it is timeless. A map does not need a battery or network. That is why it remains to be the best companion when you are doing fall camping.
In summary, fall camping is memorable when you do adequate preparations. You should ensure that nothing is missing from your checklist to be in a better position. Check through the tips, and have an excellent fall camping ahead.